Opal Card 'Pay-as-you-go' system, is now running in the city circle and Eastern Suburbs line to Bondi Junction and will eventually end up in Western Sydney trains and then buses afterwards, sooner than you think. At present it's on trial.
At present it's on trial and once it passes all tests, it will be further extended, For lots of the elderly commuters this may seem to be a bit daunting to them as they may find new technology hard to accept and , be educated and used to it!
So this is a good time to research and prepare yourself for it. The basics are
- you are not paying for more than the journey you are travelling
- maximum journey to pay per day is no more than $15.00
- after 8 journeys per week all journeys are free until your week starts again
- The week starts from Monday and finishes Sunday
- If you changes modes of transport and it is completed with 60 minutes that will be considered as one trip
- Sunday travel cap $2.50
- Opal Card provided to you 5-7 days after ordering
- Weekly tickets are cheaper than current ticketing system
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