Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Public Transport in Penrith - Car Parks, Infrastructure and Staff Cuts

I have read with interest about the new car park at North Penrith.

Even though 1000 car spaces may assist people who drive cars, what about the people who have no access to a vehicle and have to rely on public transport?

We need to encourage a shift to public transport and reduce the reliance on the private cars.
In Penrith Council’s submission to Infastructure Australia, they indicated that there is a need to develop public transport facilities.

The lack of Federal funding secured in the national infrastructre program shows the people living in Penrith that investment in public transport systems in our area is not considered a high priority by the Federal Government.

Instead, the NSW Government is slashing jobs from our rail lines. We need to make more jobs in public transport, not cut them. Cutting staff numbers can create unsafe environments, increased graffiti and vandalism. The people who will feel the major impact of these cuts are the most vulnerable people in our community.

We need to work to improve access to transport for the most socially excluded and transport disadvantaged people in Penrith.

What we need is an independent voice who will advocate that it's not only about profitiblity.

We need to provide an independent voice for public transport users who will advocate for the interests of public transport users in Penrith.

Susan Day
South Penrith Residents Action Group
for Western Sydney public transport users - Penrith

To contact Susan send an email to wsbustop@gmail.com and it will be passed it on.

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